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We consider the problem of online planning in a Markov Decision Process when given only access to a generative model, restricted to open-loop policies - i.e. sequences of actions - and under budget constraint. In this setting, the Open-Loop Optimistic Planning (OLOP) algorithm enjoys good theoretical guarantees but is overly conservative in practice, as we show in numerical experiments. We propose a modified version of the algorithm with tighter upper-confidence bounds, KL-OLOP, that leads to better practical performances while retaining the sample complexity bound. Finally, we propose an efficient implementation that significantly improves the time complexity of both algorithms.


We compare several planning algorithms:

Expanded trees

We compare the trees expanded in the same root space of highway-env by the three algorithms, all provided with equal budget of n = 1e3 calls to a generative model.

OPD is tailored for deterministic systems and exploits this structure to explore a sparse near-optimal subtree.
OLOP behaves in the same way as uniform planning, and fails to identify the optimal trajectory.
KL-OLOP explores a tree similar to that of OPD despite supporting the larger class of stochastic systems, and successfully returns the optimal trajectory.


We evaluate the expected return obtained by these algorithms with respect to their numerical budgt n in three different enviroments.

Environment Expected return
Stochastic Gridworld

Reproduce the Experiments

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the benchmark

cd <path-to-rl-agents>/scripts/

### Usage

Usage: [options] Compare performances of several planners on random MDPs Options: -h –help –generate Generate new data [default: True]. --show Plot results [default: True]. --data_path Specify output data file path [default: ./out/planners/data.csv]. --plot_path Specify figure data file path [default: ./out/planners]. --budgets <start,end,N> Computational budgets available to planners, in logspace [default: 1,3,100]. --seeds <(s,)n> Number of evaluations of each configuration, with an optional first seed [default: 10]. --processes <p> Number of processes [default: 4] --chunksize Size of data chunks each processor receives --range Range of budgets to be plotted.

### Run a single agent

To visualize a single agent interacting with an environment, run:
cd <path-to-rl-agents>/scripts/
python evaluate <path/to/env.json> <path/to/agent.json> --test --episodes=1

The following agent configurations can be used:


    "__class__": "<class 'rl_agents.agents.tree_search.deterministic.DeterministicPlannerAgent'>",
    "gamma": 0.8,
    "budget": 500


    "__class__": "<class 'rl_agents.agents.tree_search.olop.OLOPAgent'>",
    "gamma": 0.8,
    "budget": 500,
    "upper_bound": {
        "type": "hoeffding",
        "c": 4
    "lazy_tree_construction": true,
    "continuation_type": "uniform"


    "__class__": "<class 'rl_agents.agents.tree_search.olop.OLOPAgent'>",
    "gamma": 0.8,
    "budget": 500,
    "upper_bound": {
        "type": "kullback-leibler",
        "c": 2
    "lazy_tree_construction": true,
    "continuation_type": "uniform"

Note that the line "env_preprocessors": [{"method":"simplify"}] should be added to decrease computation time in the highway-env environment.